Sunday, February 28, 2010

There goes your social life

I’m all about IT and support advancements in. This hold virtual world stuff has me going back and forth, though. Sometimes, I’m all about it and sometimes I get little freaked out.

When I was back in Arkansas looking at business school, virtual tours were very helpful to me. I’d spend my time looking around campus and classrooms so that I could get a feel of the different schools.

Now as for virtual education, I’m not too sure about it. I guess it depends on the different learning styles. I know that I need to be in a classroom with real people so that I can stay engaged in what’s happening.

I consider myself a people person and maybe a bit of a social butterfly as well. I enjoy my social life with in-person interactions and conversations. Sometimes I feel like the virtual world is starting to take away from that.


  1. If your motive for going to business school is to be a social butterfly, then I understand your argument. However, I am here to grasp as much knowledge as I can. Virtual education is another outlet to crave my information appetite. Maybe you should re-evaluate why you are here. Haha..

  2. Is this virtual technology another social distraction to add to millions of others? Or will it be the dominant social media platform of the future? Maybe years from now we'll look back and think of Facebook as beta max when compared to sites like Second Life.

  3. How do you "gasp" more knowledge??? lol

  4. You both have good points. I'm still a little traditional and believe that there is something to be said about organic human interaction.

    Jeff... Yes, I also came to business school to grasp more knowledge and for me this includes socializing with others. How else can I personally recommend you for a job if I've only met you virtually???

  5. I don't think anything can mimic the interactions that we have by physically being in the classroom together. That's why I decided to go to American rather then a program that was offered online.

  6. Second life or virtual world makes our life more convenient or entertaining but when it comes to professionalism and education, or even social networking, seriously, I do not think technology can replace person-to-person least in 5 years...
