Monday, February 1, 2010

Age is just a number.

This is my attempt to “crowdsource” and hopefully get some feedback on age and aging. I use to think age was just a number and no big deal. I could never understand why some people seriously don’t want to talk about it as they are getting older. That’s starting to change for me, though.

Last week, I celebrated another birthday and had a revelation. I’m getting older and it’s happening a lot faster than I realize. I use to remember distinct years. Now, everything is running together and I can’t figure out where the time went. There were days when I wished I was older so, people wouldn’t dismiss me and label me as Young & Dumb. (Yes, there have been times where this label applies.)

The good side is that I’m thinking about life and my goals from a long term perspective All that stuff Mom and Dad were talking about makes more sense than ever. Clearly, I was lost.

Age is just a number but, there is a lot more tied to it. I’m just trying to figure some of it out.


  1. Manny, I have a couple of years on you and I have to tell you that it only gets worst. The years seem to fly by faster and faster with each passing year. What makes it happy about the aging process is the amount of knowledge that I have accumulated over my lifetime. I can definitely say I have a little bit of wisdom. BTW, Happy Belated Birthday Old Man :)

  2. Thanks, Shannon! I am starting to feel the knowledge accumlation. :)

    Another thought that I should have added to the blog is age difference in dating. How many years is too much? 5,10, or 30 years? I have to be more careful and open about it now that I'm getting on up there.

  3. Back when I was in retail, my manager at one point told me "life just keeps going by faster and faster as you age." It is certainly true, as I've noticed since college the years are flying by. In response to your question about dating, I think its more important that two people have stability and maturity in common, rather than ages that agree with each other. Yet each age has its own set of complexities, as my 28-year-old friend is finding out with his 22-year-old girlfriend.

  4. To tie things back to marketing, I feel like our lives are so crowded with texts, emails, and websites we maintain, that it is filling in precious time that we could spend stopping to smell the roses. What ever happened to the good old days of sitting on the porch?

  5. Manuel, I like your topic and interestingly I was talking about this aging issue with my friend today.

    And thanks for letting me practice "crowdsourcing".

    For me, I don't feel afraid to tell people how old I am. The only thing I would be afraid of aging is that if I am not mature enough, if I do not have the wisdom to take good care of myslef ,including personal and professional, if I do not know what I want(lifestyle, friends, relationship,job). Also I will ask myself: Am I healthy, fit as well as happy, and am I financially independent?

    I always feel people above 30 is more beautiful(male and female) since they know who they are, what they want and those confidence make them soooo attractive!! So, aging is not terrifying, what terrifies me is that if I am confused of my life..
